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Jak přidat svůj fivem server do fivem listu ?



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Máš nastavený správně název? Zkontroluj si tyto hodnoty v server.cfg

# Set your server's hostname. This is not usually shown anywhere in listings.
sv_hostname "FXServer, but unconfigured"

# Set your server's Project Name
sets sv_projectName "My FXServer Project"

# Set your server's Project Description
sets sv_projectDesc "Default FXServer requiring configuration"

A nebo jestli nemáš odkomentovanou sv_master pokud je to zakomentované tak by se to mělo objevit na server listu

# Remove the `#` from the below line if you want your server to be listed as 'private' in the server browser.
# Do not edit it if you *do not* want your server listed as 'private'.
# Check the following url for more detailed information about this:
# https://docs.fivem.net/docs/server-manual/server-commands/#sv_master1-newvalue
#sv_master1 ""


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